
Showing posts from October, 2017


The National Youth Service Corps has warned high institutions in the country against charging mobilisation fees for prospective corps members. Adenike Adeyemi, the NYSC Director of Press, said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria in Abuja on Wednesday. Adeyemi was reacting to reports that students from some corps producing institutions were being charged NYSC mobilisation fees. She said that the NYSC has not mandated any institution to charge mobilisation fees on its behalf or using its name. She said that students graduating from institutions were not in anyway required to pay fees before, during or after mobilisation for the one-year national service. Adeyemi therefore advised corps producing institutions not to charge any fee before mobilising students. She said: “If institutions are charging fees for mobilisation in the pretext that it is compulsory for youth service, then it is wrong and we will counter this because students are not mandated to pay any fees t

MMM Crashes again!!

Mavrodi Mondial Movement, simply known as MMM Nigeria has crashed again for the third time. Top Guider, Andrew Marc, took to his Facebook page on Wednesday morning to blame himself for the latest crash while confessing that there was no more ‘Provide Help’ (PH) in the system. This Marks the third time MMM has crashed in Nigeria. First was in December 2016, the second in August and now in October. Just recently, MMM came up with the plan to inflate the interest from 30% to 100% a move that lured many Nigerians to ‘re-invest’ in the system. He wrote, “There were big PHs which were unmatched. And we thought that PH exceeded GH. But it revealed that those PHs were fake. “Now its clear that the GH exceeds PH. And there not enough PH to dispatch. It was a big mistake done by us (especially me). “The reasons of misinterpretations of statistics that before we did not fully had random matching when matching proceeds consequently from the earliest PHs to the latest one, its obvious what v


This should have been a direct letter to the entire people of South east Nigeria (my people) but I can't even explain why it is coming in this form but all the same I believe the message gets a larger audience. In the past, we were regarded as peace-loving people, we were very much respected not just because of our business prowess but for our wisdom and knowledge but lately not to a little degree has this reputation waned, it has withered like vegetable planted in a desert credit to our recent childish attitude coming disappointedly from even our grandparents. Rumor is not just bad because it most of the time end a lie but because it misleads a generation and even cause panic among uniformed citizens of a country like ours. Not long ago, I shared the story of a classmate whose mother committed suicide because she was told that 'ndi awusa' are killing Igbos in the north, the poor woman tried reaching her son but could not because of bad networ. She concluded that her son


Pope Francis Yesterday, Sunday, October 15th, declared 33 martyrs and 2 others from Brazil, Mexico, Spain and Italy, as the Catholic Church’s new saints at a Canonization Mass in Rome’s St. Peter’s Square. A group of 3 indigenous martyrs from Mexico – Cristobal, Antonio and Juan – known as the “Child Martyrs of Tlaxcala” were canonized. Aged between 12 and 13, the children were among the first indigenous Catholics of Mexico who were killed between 1527 and 1529 for refusing to renounce their faith and return to their ancient traditions. The other new saints are martyrs from Brazil, led by Jesuit André de Soveral, murdered in July 1645 by Dutch soldiers. Also in that group is Fr. Ambrosio Francisco Ferro and lay Mateo Moreira, killed for their faith along with 27 other people. Msgr. Julio César Salcedo Aquino, Bishop of Tlaxcala (Mexico), the city of the three indigenous children and martyrs, where their memory lives on: “They are the first martyrs from Mexico and the first martyrs


By Emmanuel Onyekwere One of the major reasons people are corrupt is not because they were not taught morals but because those teaching the morals end up leading immoral life. In the same vein, we have bad administrators in many spheres of life simply because the "king makers" are not in themselves practitioners of what they impart in those whose future is left at the mercy of their good or bad formation. Just like the African adage "while the mother goat eats poison, the kid watches and would one day have a taste of it", educational system is busy forcing bad waters down the digestive tracts of young scholars and nothing proactive I been done about it. I have taken exception to what is happening in the university of Maiduguri, what I would call administrative flaws. It is very worrisome to consider how this citadel of learning is being ran like a local village restaurant where you go and see a regular post 'food is ready', dare make a request and disappo