
Showing posts from October, 2019


VIVIAN UCHECHI OGU: MODERN MARIA GORETTI AND A MODEL FOR NIGERIAN CHILDREN AND YOUTH. Vivian Ogu One of the dimensions of Extraordinary mission month is: Witness of Missionary; canonize and non-canonize. During this missionary month the Pope wants us to reflect on the lives of holy men and women who lived good and exemplary lives so that we can imitate them. Have you heard of Vivan Ogu? Have you heard of her heroic live? Have you heard of her faith, dedication and commitment even as a child?  I will like to share her story with you. The striking heroism in the story of Vivian is in the remarkable way in which she expressed her Christian faith, having extraordinary influence on the lives of others from the tender age of nine and the courage with which she put into practice what she had been preaching when the opportunity came at the age of fourteen, opting to be killed rather than to be defiled. Vivian Uchechi Ogu was born in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria on the 1st of April,


A PAPER PRESENTED TO PRIESTS RELIGIOUS AND LAY FAITHFUL OF THE CATHOLIC ARCH DIOCESE OF JOS BY: REV. FR SOLOMON PATRICK ZAKU  P.M.S DIRECTOR MAIDUGURI DIOCESE AND NATIONAL COODINATOR OF THE PROPAGATION OF FAITH INTRODUCTION Pope Francis has declared October 2019 to be an Extraordinary Month of Mission, being 100 years since Pope Benedict XV’s teaching on mission. It will be a special month of prayer and action, calling us all to renew our missionary commitment to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with all peoples.  The Holy Father made a public announcement to the entire Church expressing his intention to call an Extraordinary Missionary Month for October 2019 to celebrate in a unique manner, the 100th anniversary of the Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud issued by his predecessor Pope Benedict XV. In his words “It is with these sentiments that, welcoming the proposal by the congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, I call an Extraordinary Missionary Month in October 20


HOMILY FOR 29TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR C MISSION SUNDAY BY: Rev. Fr. Solomon P. Zaku Today is world mission Sunday. World mission Sunday is a day set aside for Catholics throughout the world to publicly renew its commitment to the missionary work. It is a day set apart for us to pray for missionaries and contribute our quarter to the work of evangelization. On are a day like this we are reminded that we are all missionaries. This means therefore we have important roles to play in evangelization. Mission Sunday is celebrated on the penultimate Sunday of October every year. It was created by Pope Pius XI in 1926 as the day of prayer for missions. Today is the 93rd mission Sunday. On a day like this fund is raised in all catholic churches all over the world to support the work of evangelization. The money realized from the mission Sunday collection is used to provide financial assistance to missionaries, churches in missions territories and to support specific diocesan projects worldw