
Showing posts from March, 2020


FROM THE CHAPLAIN Greetings to you my dearly beloved students and parishioners.  I deem it necessary to write and  check on you to know how you and your families are faring and at the same time to encourage you all in this trying moment in the history of our church, the country and the world at large. I hope and  believe you all had a safe journey to your various destinations. We thank God for the journey mercies he granted you, may his name be praised both now and forever. I  encourage you all to keep the flame of the faith alive, do not give up on God be  consoled by these words of St. Paul in his letter to the   Romans 8:18 "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory which is to be revealed to us".  Alway remember that " this too shalll pass away ". While we hope and trust in God I wish to remind you of  the following:                                                  1. We need to be serious with our prayer