
Showing posts from May, 2020


First Reading Acts 2, 1-11 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 12, 3-7. 12-13 Gospel John 20, 19-23                                                                    By Fr. Solomon Zaku My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, today we celebrate the solemnity of Pentecost. It is a day on which we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus. Pentecost is the birth day of the church because the church started on Pentecost day. Pentecost was originally a Jewish feast which is celebrated every fifty days after the feast of Passover. This feast usually brings many devout Jews to Jerusalem; this explains why there were many Jews in Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. The Holy Spirit came in fulfillment of the promise of Jesus to his disciples. The Holy Spirit is the advocate who came in order to teach, empower and guide the apostles. After the death of Jesus, the disciples of Jesus became despaired, afraid and locked themselves


Letter to Comedians                            (Fr Justus Oruh) Re: Last Warning and Appeal to All Comedians on Comedies on the Sacrament of Confession Dear Comedians, I sincerely appreciate you on all the Films you put up for the promotion of our values in the society, politics and church and for the lightening moods you bring to our people especially in these hard times. But please, know your boundaries. While you enjoy your freedom to make your videos, remember, you are not allowed to destroy peoples' image especially falsely. Truth must be told, but also in charity. In the recent past, many videos have been put up, circulating in the social media which cajole and destroy the sacred image of the sacrament of reconciliation (Confession). I know that you cannot easily put up videos making jokes with the core Islamic values. Why are seeking the destruction of the core Christian values? The sacrament of Confession is for us SACROSANT. The annoying part of the scenario


SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER THEME: THE GOODNESS OF GOD BY: REV. FR. SOLOMON ZAKU The response to the Psalm of today says” I believe I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the Land of the living”. We are all familiar with this Popular Saying “the Lord is good-all the time.” If I may ask how many times have you sat and reflected on the goodness of God?  Do you see the goodness of God in your life? Do you see the goodness of God in all that is happening in the world? In life we go through different experiences and sometimes we may be tempted to say God has forgotten us or he is not good to us. Today the world is suffering from the corona virus pandemic; in situation like this some people may feel God is not good to us. If not why allow us to suffer, why allow many people to go through difficult situation or even die. When you sit and reflect on your life, you have no option but to say: God is good all the time. As men and women of faith, even if things are not moving well, we must always sa


6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR A 1st Reading: Acts 8:5-8, 14-17 2nd Reading: 1 Peter 3:15-18 Gospel: John 14:15-21 THEME: “IF YOU LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS” Jesus today in the Gospel reading tell us that one of the ways we will show that we love him is by keeping his commandments. In life we observe that when two people are in love, they try to please each other; they try to make each other happy by doing what each person likes. For example if a man is in love with a woman he will try his best to please her. For example if she doesn’t like lies or drinking he will try and avoid telling lies or drinking. The lady in love will do likewise. If we can do this for our fellow human beings, how much more are we to do that for God? The love which Jesus commands us to practice is, in practical terms, the acceptance of others warts and all –fair and faults, fouls and failings. It is relating with everyone with understanding, pity, mercy and unconditional goodwill. It is a feeling of goodwil


Rev.Fr.Solomon Zaku REFLECTION Today is good shepherd Sunday. A special day the church set apart for us to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Jesus is set before us as a model. We are called to reflect on our relationship with him. As we celebrate this special day i want you to reflect and ponder on the following: Do you listen to the voice of Jesus? Do you see the priest as your shepherd today? Can you recognize the voice of your priest and listen to him? Do you pray for your priest? When last did you book mass for your priest or pray the rosary for him? Do you pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life? Will you willingly allow your child to become a priest or a Sister? When last did you support a seminarian? Why not train a seminarian to be a priest since you cannot be one? What do you do when your priest is not living up to expectations. Do you pray for him or criticize? Do you encourage people to become priest by your attitud