
Worship Fellowship: From Glory to Glory

The fellowship began with the holy mass of the  solemnity of the ascension of our lord. After that the fellowship continue with praise and worship by  the NFCS praise band....... Together with the NFCS anthem and the Catholic hymn.. There was a presentation by the NFCS Lumen Christi press. a discussion show with the new NFCS President and his vice, where they were asked about the goals, mission and vision towards the development of the NFCS. Word of exhortation by the speaker sis. Joan Joseph from the topic that says: From Glory to Glory which teaches us to allow God to fix us, to seek glory for our lives, thinking of sitting in heavenly places and God will make us shine in his glory. Announcement was given........ Indeed it was great fellowship..... Long live NFCS...!!!

Photo speaks

Photos from the cultural week celebration.. Indeed it was a success Long live NFCS UNIMAID Chapter. Mr$Mrs NFCS winners Moment... Cultural dance by TIV Coronationof new Mr and Mrs NFCS with Ambassador...

NFCS Cultural Carnival 2023.... Praise night..28/10/2023..

The 2023 NFCS CULTURAL WEEK arrived a fiestive and as usual, angelic, top the shelve offerings from our esteemed Praise Band and Choir. Their presentation of  were heavenly. An accord of all sections of the choir embellished in voices worthy of enchanting stones back to life. The Drama Band, rivalled only by the likes of Hollywood and Bollywood by acting drama that speaks about the cultural theme taged; Sharing our similarities and celebrating our difference ; revelled the gathered NFCSers and well wishers with the antics of their well prepared; singular performances, witht the cultural lessons of  well received and applauded. The NFCS CULTURAL WEEK is always an anticipated glamorous  annual event organised by the All Saints Chaplaincy, UniMaid Chpater. The idea always being to fully appreciate the beautifully diverse making of the here family we have and to always showcase our shared unity despite these differences. The varrying cultures are encouraged to use t

CULTURAL CARNIVAL 2021 DAY 2 (the contest)

CULTURAL CARNIVAL DAY 2: Mr. and Miss NFCS Contest. Lumen Christi Interviews The Outgoing Miss NFCS LUMEN CHRISTI: We are Lumen Christi Press, All Saints Chaplaincy UNIMAID Chapter. Can you introduce yourself please? #1. I am Her Royal Majesty, Steven Mary, from Anambra State, the outgoing Miss NFCS of this chaplaincy  LUMEN CHRISTI : what was your role to the NFCS society while in office? #1. Steven Mary: my role as the miss NFCS wasn’t just to the chaplaincy but to the entire nearby society. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic (and the strike), my office could not dispense most of our planned schemes such as workshops and seminars. I was restricted to organizing fellowships and gathering as many attendees as possible. LUMEN CHRISTI : what would you do when you officially leave your mandate? #1. Steven Mary: I will still be a member of the Royal Family and I still plan on being part and parcel of the church. I still plan on being an active member of the NFCS. Distinguished NFCS Guest


CULTURAL CARNIVAL PRAISE NIGHT DAY 1 Opening prayer was said by one of the NFCSers. Soon after that, a member of the All Saints Catholic Chaplaincy lead the Holy Rosary while the rosary was on, people were still the trooping in. soon after the 30 minutes prayer, and the All Saint Band gave some warm worship sounds. Lumen Christi Press gathered that more participants rushed in as the NFCs anthem was about to be taken. Furthermore, the NFCS president welcomed the entire members present at the programme, telling them to open up towards the praise and worship so as to unite together despite the different tribes in the chaplaincy (i.e. Igbo. Tiv, Igala, Marghi, Hausa, Fulani, etc.). More to that, from our report, Lumen Christi has it that the floor of worship presentation was declared open to St. Augustine Catholic Parish Choir , Maiduguri who performed wonderfully well. Moreover, the praise band of St. Augustine ministered with a song titled “FRAGRANCE OF WORSHIP”.


THE FEAST OF THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI)                         Deut. 8:2-3. 14-16 1Cor. 10:16-17 John 6:51-58                       THEME:   JESUS THE LIVING BREAD   Dear friends today we celebrate the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ.-Corpus Christi. It is a day set aside for us in order to reflect on the meaning and importance of the Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion which we receive in the church. The Holy Eucharist is central in our lives as Christians; it is the source and summit of our life and worship. In the Eucharist, we receive Christ whole and entire; he nourishes and strengthens us on our journey to eternal life. The Pope instituted Corpus Christi a year after a priest from Paraguay according to an ancient account. A monk was celebrating mass in the monastery of St. Longinus. But he had doubts about the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. So during mass as he said the words “this is my body, this is my blood”, with doubt in


HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY A Readings: Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9; Psalm Daniel 3:29-30, 31, 33, 32, 43; II Corinthians 13:11-13; John 3:16-18 THEME: THE TRINITY: A MODEL FOR PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN LIFE So many things in the world seem to have two sides. Some thinkers call this two-sidedness of realities – dualism. For example, there is the reality of male and female, heaven and earth, black and white, night and day, belief and unbelief, the list is endless. On the coin of Christianity in particular and religion in general, there are two sides: theory and practice, or faith and works. When faith and works blend together in a person, there you find a good person, a godly, Christ-like personality. But when one aspect dominates the other, there is the tendency of finding a distorted personality, a hypocrite, even a fanatic.    In Nigeria, we can say without doubt that everyone is religious. But the question we always ask is, ‘Is there a good blend of faith and works in us? No one can accuse Nigerian