CULTURAL CARNIVAL 2021 DAY 2 (the contest)

Mr. and Miss NFCS Contest.
Lumen Christi Interviews
The Outgoing Miss NFCS
LUMEN CHRISTI: We are Lumen Christi Press, All Saints Chaplaincy UNIMAID Chapter. Can you introduce yourself please?
#1. I am Her Royal Majesty, Steven Mary, from Anambra State, the outgoing Miss NFCS of this chaplaincy 
LUMEN CHRISTI: what was your role to the NFCS society while in office?
#1. Steven Mary: my role as the miss NFCS wasn’t just to the chaplaincy but to the entire nearby society. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic (and the strike), my office could not dispense most of our planned schemes such as workshops and seminars. I was restricted to organizing fellowships and gathering as many attendees as possible.
LUMEN CHRISTI: what would you do when you officially leave your mandate?
#1. Steven Mary: I will still be a member of the Royal Family and I still plan on being part and parcel of the church. I still plan on being an active member of the NFCS.
Distinguished NFCS Guest
LUMEN CHRISTI: We are Lumen Christi Press, All Saints Chaplaincy UNIMAID Chapter and would love to ask you one or two questions. Can you introduce yourself please?
#3 My name is Mary Simon, I am a 300 Level and I am here to attend the cultural week..
LUMEN CHRISTI: Now that you are here, what do you expect will happen?
#3 Mary Simon: actually, it is now an experience, it has happened in the previous sets. The contest and try to win, they are not appointed. They all put in the hard work, they present their cultures and the best person emerges. 
Lumen Christi: do you know any contestants? Who do you think should win? 
#3 Mary Simon: No, I do not know any contestants and I am rather hoping the persons who emerge winners would be the best. That they would be Mr. and Miss NFCS for Christ.
Also, two random contestants were interviewed. All showed confidence and promised beautiful should in case they became the eventual winners.
Random Contestant #1.
 Lumen Christi: how do you feel about the contest? How will you help the NFC if you become the winner.
For me, I will be the winner. I am that confident and If I ascend to power, it will be my duty transfer the peace and unity not only to the NFCS family but to Maiduguri and outside.
Random Contestant #1.
LUMEN CHRISTI: what do you think the functions of the Mr. and Miss NFCS are? Would you feel any different if you did not win?
When I become the Miss NFCS, my duty will be to take the society to a greater level. To showcase our cultures at the different levels, to make NFC proud and if I eventually did not win, it would be a good experience. I would be happy and still support NFCS.
The NFCS Paapa, Mr. Emmanuel E. Ndubueze ushered in the proper start of events with a word of prayer. The beginning of the show was delayed a little bit due to technical glitches. 
The NFCS anthem was sung at about 6:30 pm, let by the Praise band.
The contest began with a glittering introduction of the competitors, all adorned in their unique local, traditional attires. They all took turns to move to the stage and in the process dished out beautiful dance steps as well. It was cultures speaking. The contestants were paired and grouped into four(4) “couples” as indicated below;
Ifeanyi Jude Prim form the South-Eastern part of the Country
Lilian Bankuli Bedan from the North-East
Gimba Jacinta John: North Central
Ityam Martins: North-East
Bernadine Chiwendu Jivatu: South-Eastern Nigeria
Gabriel Dominic Abok: North Central
Innocent Simon: north-east
Amaka Divine: South-east
Just after, the outgoing Mr. and Miss NFCS Royal Majesties, both marched on to the stage to welcome their possible successors. They did so a standing ovation by the attendees.
Time for offertory didn’t disappoint. It was more like of a “dance offering”. All who turned up worshiped with elegant dancing moves as they proceeded to go give to the Lord their offertories.
The Contest Proper resumed. 
It was the turn of the NFCSers present to be astonished big time. The Idoma cultural dancing was a wow! The thing we have been seeing on NTA and AIT was right there in our backyard. The man on sticks! The MC couln’t help but exclaim that Jesus did walk on water and has taught UniMaid NFCSers to walk on sticks. The bewildered guests cheered and clapped.
The Contest continued.
Firstly, the contestants had the floor. The next phase of the competition would be on their knowledge of the cultures they were from. They were also to use the avenue to communicate their Mission and Vision for the NFCs should they win. The contestants would then be graded based on their Dynamics, Confidence and content of their presentations. All these were to be completed within short time frame.
The carefully selected Judges were readied as the rules for the next segment of the Contest were read out. Contestants were to be tested in different fields on their knowledge of the Mass, the church, the NFCS community’s history and present.
The glamour continued as the female participants were asked to identify their male counterparts only by touching their faces. Each identification was well received by the congregation with rapturous applauses and cheers. 
As usual, the drama band dazzled with their performance with the unequivocal message of peace and unity as it should be spearheaded by dialogue. It was a Spectacle…!
The drama began with the different proud chieftains all introduced and seated. A particular “product” was brought before them. The bragging and bargaining commenced, each rich chief trying to outbid and outdo the other. Of course, that was not going to pan out well. A suggestion was then passed that they resolve the “trade” with dialogue. It was at this point the wealthy Kanuri, Igbo and Warri chiefs resolved to each join hands and help sent out the “product” into the word so it would yield better results for the benefits of all. 
While the drama went on, the results were collated and made ready.
Announcement of the Result and Crowning of the New Queen and King of the NFCS, All Saints Catholic Chaplaincy, UniMaid Chapter.
 The mother of the occasion and member of the panel gave a brief speech when the result was ready to be read. She expressed a little disappointment regarding the earlier presentation of cultures by the contestants. She had expected core things like greetings and meals to have been included but didn’t hear anything. She appreciated the contestands and thanked those in attendance. 
The pairs were graded over 100 and they scored thus;

SCORE (100%)





With the scores, the contestants couple pair C clearly and by fair judgement the New Miss and Mr. NFCS, Miss. Bernadine Chiwendu Jivatu (South-Eastern Nigeria) and Mr. Gabriel Dominic Abok: (North Central) were announced Of course, the jubilations followed. 
    Our master and Miss NFCS                                                           Closing prayers was said in igbo and the 
event came to an end at about 9:03pm.


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