NairaBet agent kills self over N600k winning

Author: Adams Odunayo

An unnamed agent of NairaBet, a sports betting platform, has
killed himself after he could not pay a customer who allegedly
won a N600k bet.
The Punch reports that residents of Obadeyi Ajala woke up on
Wednesday, May 24, to find the remains of the young man
dangling from a rope in an uncompleted shop at Ajala bus stop,
on the Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway.
A resident, Monday Gabriel, told our correspondent on the
telephone that the girlfriend of the deceased, who fainted the
moment she saw his remains, gave an account of what could
have prompted him to kill himself.
He said:
“I was going to my workplace around 8am when I saw people
around three uncompleted shops in Ajala bus stop. On getting
there, I saw the corpse of a young man in one of the shops
dangling from a rope.
“As we wondered what could have made him to kill himself, a
lady, who later identified herself as his girlfriend, arrived at the
scene and fainted on sighting the corpse. We poured water on
“When she regained consciousness, she told us that the man
sent her a text message yesterday (Tuesday), saying he wanted
to commit su*cide. She said she called his line, but he didn’t pick
his calls.

“According to the girlfriend, the late man had a NairaBet shop.
One of the customers won N600,000, but he has not paid him.”
Gabriel also added that two persons later came and took the
lady away from the scene on a motorcycle.
Another eyewitness, Olanrewaju Adebiyi, said the deceased's
remains was removed by policemen from the Ijaiye division.
He said:
“I learnt he ran a NairaBet shop. If it is true that he was owing a
customer N600,000, he must have received the money from the
NairaBet management and used it for something else. I also play
NairaBet and whenever I win, the agent I patronize pays me the
moment the company credits his account.

“The company doesn’t owe the agents, but some of them play
smart at times when customers win big money.”
However, an official of NairaBet Contact Centre, who gave her
name only as Chidika, said the firm always paid for any won
ticket, adding that it was not aware of the incident.
She said:
“We always pay for any won ticket. An agent has his own
personal business. He/she is just a partner with NairaBet in which
we share commission on a monthly or weekly basis. So, it
depends on the understanding he had with the customer or the
issue on the ground before he committed suic*de.”


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