By: Emmanuel Onyekwere

............." What if I die now?"

The one question that has become a constant song in my heart, every day, every night; every now, every then. This question gives me sleepless nights and wakes me up at a wrong hour of a new day, drives me into hallucination, negativity, fear, desperation and anxiety.

I wonder how you my friends think, do you ever ask your yourself WHAT IF I DIE NOW!!?

It's unfortunate we do not care about what happens in the hereafter ...."after all we won't know what happens when we die"

Have you ever wondered what ETERNITY means?
It means a time without an end, a timeless time, an unending end. You either enjoy or suffer there forever!!!

One must be!!! But the later is no sensible option.

I saw myself in the world of pain and misery, a world of rejection and lovelessness, I survived all that and when I found out where I am, I opted for Christ, found him, professed him, and accepted him, he became my Lord and I felt the best life ever.

At a point I lost my rhythm, led a life of ignorance, I went so far into the world until I came back to my consciousness, at a point I felt God could never pull me any closer but he did!!!

With love he reproached me and gave me more grace thus I became a rebranded Christian with renewed unction to function in a world so polluted by sin and ignorance, a world that has gradually legalised all forms of sins and Christine's them CIVILIZATION, where people go to church naked, open headed (women) wearing forbidden clothing, worldified the mode of worship that was supposed to be holy and accepted unto a God that will never change (no matter how we change), and churches have become recreation center where we come to be entertained and deceived by comic ministers, where men feed their eyes with lustful sights of indescent women deceiving ourselves that God looks at heart, (if God do not want us to serve him with out mortal body he would have created us immortal (spirits).

It's unfortunate we have allowed the world to change us instead of we changing the world. We have conformed and adapted to every lifestyle that the world brings to our stables!

We have all gone blind to the ills of this passing world, but God has not, he hasn't amended the the laws he gave UA to abide by so no matter what we do or how much we believe in GRACE, we may be lying in deceit because the food meant for the children cannot be given to dogs, there's a price for every prize, there is something for everything!!! You must do something to deserve something.

No one knows when he dies, that's enough reason he prepared friends. It is good to have hope of long life but very disastrous to live an unexamined life.

I have learned to live every minute like it's gonna be the last for me, following peace with all men, learning to forgive and to ask to be forgiven, to freely give, to be humble and caring, and above all things to be very prayerful and lastly reject the way of the world which is very classic, flashy, sexy .......(name it).

There's only one end - ETERNITY!!!!!



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