
Showing posts from June, 2019


On Sunday, the 23rd of July 2019, thirteen Executive members of the NFCS paid a visit to their staff advisers (Male and Female). The EXCO met at the Fire Service Station opposite Unimaid garden before proceeding to Prof. Mrs. Elizabeth Chibuzor’s residence. The team was warmly welcomed and entertained by Prof. Chibuzo (NFCS Staff adviser female). Each Exco member made a formal introduction including his/her office of assignment. She charged all to undertake their duties seriously and also not to neglect their studies. She thanked the EXCO for visiting her and applauded the support she got from NFCS during her daughter's burial. She further prayed for the success of the NFCS and wished the Federation flourishes in line with her visions and missions. The outgone NFCS president Bro.Charles Mackay Onoja, presented a report from his administration WHILE the incumbent president Bro.Emmanuel Onyekwere presented a document of his team's plan of action for their tenure and furt


Sniper is a poison others consider as water or juice to quench their anger permanently. This poison is meant to kill insects but some people take it to end their problems. “Certainly, a life lived is better than a life cut short”. Depression destroys but expectations are more deadly. Depression which is the act of being in a sad or unhappy mode, mostly due to the fact that things happen not as we planned. Expectation on the other hand is the act of anticipating or hoping for something to be done or happen. Depression and expectation work hand in hand. Youths these days hardly have time to think about what is to come but venture into acts that destroy them completely. Our expectations have taken the bigger and better part of us. Whatever be the case, SUICIDE IS NOT AN OPTION. When one is depressed, it is important to talk to someone because it kills when we don’t trust or spit our problems. There are so many examples of suicide cases such as that of a 300 level student of the Uni

The Holy Eucharist, Our Spiritual Food

HOMILY FOR SUNDAY 23rd June, 2019: THE FEAST OF THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI)                                                      First Reading Gen.14:18-22 Second Reading   1Cor 11:23-26 Gospel Luke 9:11-17   My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, today we celebrate the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. Corpus Christi. It is a day set aside for us in order to reflect on the meaning and importance of the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist is central in our lives as Christians; it is the source and summit of our life and worship. In the Eucharist, we receive Christ whole and entire; he nourishes and strengthens us on our journey to eternal life. The three readings of today invite us to reflect on the meaning of the Eucharist and how it is prefigured in the Old Testament. The Eucharist is not a medicine that acts automatically; it must be received with faith, that is, by accepting the commitment that the act of eating and drinking the body and blood


OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, NIGERIA FEDERATION OF CATHOLIC STUDENTS ( NFCS ): UNIMAID CHAPTER HAPPY NEW MONTH BRETHREN . May has ended and June just began!!!🤔 How was May? Good? Bad? God made it great! How it ended depends on how you approached it. Here is another opportunity. God has just signed a contract for the extension of our lives here on earth. Another great opportunity to be good, better and even best. Another chance to function optimally. You're not seeing this month by accident. May I pray God's favour upon you this month, may His grace be supplied in excess and may He protect you from all evils, known and unknown. May the Lord order your steps and crown all your efforts with success in Jesus name. We are embarking on yet another month, not knowing what it comes with but we are confident  as we are already assured through the love of God and in our VICTORY THROUGH CHRIST . We shall be victorious this month in Jesus name. Brethren, victory does come to an idl