BY Rev. Fr. Solomon Patrick Zaku
Chaplain, All Saints Catholic Chaplaincy, Unimaid.
One of the things that was regular in the life of Jesus was prayer. Jesus started with prayers and ended with prayers. In the Bible, Jesus was shown praying on several occasions. Before starting his public ministry, he prayed (Mt. 4:1-2, Mk 1:12-13, Lk 4:1-3). Jesus prayed on so many occasions during his public ministry. On so many occasions he withdrew to be alone by himself. (Mt. 17:1-2). During the last supper Jesus prayed for himself, his Disciples and his future disciples (John 17:1-21). Shortly before his passion, Jesus Prayed (Mt 26:36, Lk 22:39). Jesus did only Prayed but also taught his Disciples how to pray
In the Gospels reading of today, Jesus taught his Disciples how to pray. He gave them a pattern of Prayer- The Lord’s Prayer. Jesus assured his disciples that they will receive from God whatever they need if they pray persistently. This great assurance is something that should strengthen us today
As Christians, we need to pray daily like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through prayer we communicate with God our father and we grow in Grace. Let us not be ashamed or afraid to tell God what we need in prayers. God always answers the prayers of his people whenever they pray to him. Many of us today have different problems and needs. Let us tell our problems, situation and challenges to God in prayer; for prayer is the master key. God will definitely answer us as he listened to Abraham in the first reading. All we need is persistence in prayers.
I pray the lord will grant us the grace to be prayerful. May he always listen to our prayers and grant us our hearts desires through Christ our Lord. Amen
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