Homily for 14TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR C (7/7/19)

Our gospel reading of today reminds us of our call as missionaries. The good news of salvation which Jesus Christ brought is not meant only for a particular group of people but for all. The message is meant for all so that all will be saved. Jesus knew that He was not going to stay long on earth and the good news He has brought needs to be proclaimed to all and sundry, that was why he choose twelve Apostles and made many disciples who will continue proclaiming the goods news after His departure. Jesus chooses the Twelve in order that they may be close to him, learn much about him and witness to him in the world. He sent them to go and preach the Gospel even while he was still with them. Jesus did not only send the twelve, he also sent seventy others to go and preach the Gospel in places he intends to visit. The number seventy is very symbolic. The ancients believe that the number of all the nations of the world was about seventy. Therefore to say that Jesus sent out seventy is like sending out all the world to preach the Gospel to all the nations of the world. The question one may ask today is: Has the Gospel reached the ends of the world?  The answer is definitely no. Well, the Apostles and disciples have done their own part. It is now left for us to continue with the work. The gospel is yet to reach many places. Recent statistics shows that Christians are just 33%,  of the world’s population. It means that in the words of Blessed Pope Johnn Paul II ‘ the mission of the redeemer, which is entrusted to the church (after 2000 years), is still very far from completion. (cf. Redemptoris Missio,7th December, 1990). He adds that this mission is still only beginning and that we must commit ourselves wholeheartedly to its service. In order to keep this mission alive the church always reminds us of this great obligation.
Through our baptism, we have been made disciples of Jesus and missionaries. We have the responsibility of taking the Gospel to others. Pope John Paul II once said “we are all missionaries-some give to mission by going, some give to mission by giving, without both there cannot be a mission. This means both the clergy and the laity are called to be missionaries. We all have the responsibly of proclaiming the good news. The clergy are missionaries by giving themselves. The laity are missionaries by giving. The laity are expected to give three “Ts” (time, talents and treasure).
As a person, which one are you giving? Yourself, time talents or treasure? Let us make it a point of duty to contribute our quota in the work of evangelization. May God give us the grace to do that through Christ our Lord.

By Rev. Fr. Solomon P. Zaku
Chaplain, All Saints Catholic Chaplaincy, University of Maiduguri.


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