NFCS DECIDES Today 28th of November 2019, the Nigerian Federation of Catholic Students All saints Catholic chaplaincy University of Maiduguri had their annual election. The days fellowship tagged as "Election Day" began by 6pm with the Holy Rosary. The NFCS Praise band then led the congregation in praises and worship. After that, the day's moderator Sister Sylvia Orji invited the Speaker in person of Brother Clement Agbo for exhortation. Bro Clement in his exhortation charged the congregation to allow the spirit of God guide them during the election and that sentiments should be kept aside. He also made reference to the book of Mathew chapter 16 Vrs 18 where Christ chose Peter to head his church. Presentations from the various NFCS sub units were made in line with the days event. The NFCS electoral committee shared out election ballots to the congregation after Mr.Charles Egbe a member of the church council sent to observe the election addresed the congregat...