
Showing posts from December, 2019


1. X does not stand for cancellation in the word Xmas. X is the Greek letter Chi (pronounced like "key"). When shorthand was used  in writing, X was used for "ch" and CHRISTMAS was written as "Xmas," CHARACTER as "Xter." The use of Xmas for Christmas was introduced in the 16th century and had no connection with atheism. The explanation that  Xmas was an attempt by atheists and secularists to remove the religious root of Christmas and reduce it to merely social or secular festivity is a misconception. 2. Constantine was not alive in 533 AD. He was born in 272 and died in 337 AD. Saying he did something in 533 is placing him 200 years after his death. 3. There was no church called "Roman Church" when Constantine existed. 4. Constantine was not the head of the Church. He was the first Emperor of the Roman empire who became baptized and therefore, became the first Christian emperor. He banned persecution against Christianity. Con


___________________________________________________________________ THEME:  JOSEPH, A MAN OF HONOUR        Christmas is at the corner. In the next three days we shall be celebration the birth day of our lord Jesus Christ. Whenever we celebrate Christmas we reflect on the life of Jesus. How he came into the world and save us. We also reflect on the life of Mary and the role she played in the history of our salvation. One person that we don’t talk more about is joseph. Even though joseph is not the biological father of Jesus, as the foster father of Jesus he also played an important role. This Sunday I will like us to reflect on the life Joseph and how he reacted when he heard mary was pregnant. St Joseph must be one of the underrated persons in history. Even the New Testament does not seem to do justice to him. We do not find any statement credited to him anywhere in the New Testament or anywhere else in all history for that matter. We have no reason, of course, to assume that he


Hosanna in the highest! Glory and honor to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ by whose death and resurrection we were saved and born to new life. Beloved brethren, I am delighted to have you all back to yet another new Academic session. I congratulate you all as you soar into new academic levels and a bigger congratulations to our first year brethren who just secured admission into the University of Maiduguri. I welcome us particularly to first Semester, 2019/2020 academic session as we move from Glory to Glory in the love of our Lord. During the last Semester, the Lord guided us with a theme which makes to draw us closer to God by obeying his Command – “Do as He Commands”: an excerpt from St. John’s Gospel Chapter 2:5. Through the theme we learnt to love God by obeying his commands and thereby enjoying the graces and mercies that ensues from such act of obedience to the will of God our God. Again this Semester, I am delighted to announce to you the Theme of the Semester drawn from


STAY AWAKE HOMILY FOR FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR A) (Isaiah 2:1-5, psalm 121,Romans 13:11-14, Matt. 24:37-44 ) BY: Rev. Fr. Solomon Patrick Zaku                    Today being the first day of the month of December- the last month of the year is also the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is one of the five seasons of the churches’ liturgical calendar. Advent is a season observed in the Church as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus. Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, which means coming. The Aramaic word is maranatha, which means the Lord (Maran) is coming (natha). During Advent we prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. This coming of Jesus is twofold. Firstly it is the time we prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas- the incarnation. (First Coming); that’s why much of the Traditional scripture readings and songs for Advent come from the Old Testament prophets. We borrow their language to express our own