
Showing posts from January, 2020


BY Saduwo Banyawa FRONT VIEW OF THE SECRETARIAT  The Nigeria Federation of Catholic Students University of Maiduguri Chapter embarked on its secretariat project about 14 years ago. This is a project that if completed will serve lots of needs. The NFCS Unimaid secretariat project is a building under construction that is meant to house a kitchen, an office block, store rooms, two rooms (one for visitors) with a library and a conference hall for convenience. This is a project that has been under construction for about 14 years and is yet to be completed but to the glory of God in December 2019, a launching was done at the All Saints Catholic Chaplaincy University of Maiduguri to foster the completion of the long uncompleted project.  The sum of four hundred and eighteen thousand naira (#418,000) was realized from the launching excluding pledges that are yet to be redeemed which amount to about seventy seven thousand naira (#77,000). Before the launching, there were constructi


THE OPIUM AND THE PEOPLE By: Rev. Fr. Oluoma Chinenye John     Opium is a drug used to numb pain and help the patients sleep. The opium is like an anaesthetic. Anaesthetics are not curative, their function is to sedate a patient as he undergoes what could have been an unbearably painful treatment. Any patient given anaesthetics without curative procedures will soon become worse.     "Religion is the opium of the people" is a famous statement of Karl Marx. This is true, but relative. In other words, religion was not meant to be an opiate: a drug that numbs your pain but never treats it. Religion was meant to facilitate your relationship with your creator and help you deal positively with the supernatural dimension of reality. Don't make it an opium because you become an addict if you do. You know what happens to addicts: the more of the substance they take the worse they become until they become destroyed completely.     Every addiction is a convenient flight from a


BAPTISM OF THE LORD Is 42:1-4,6-7; Acts 10:34-38; Matt 3:13-17 THEME: BE FAITHFUL TO YOUR BAPTISMAL PROMISES Today the Church celebrates today the Baptism of the Lord. This Solemnity marks the end of the Christmas Season. Baptism begins the active life of Jesus and spiritual life of every Christian. With this feast of the Baptism of Jesus Christ, the first Sunday of the Church Year has started. This Sunday is, therefore, the beginning of the Ordinary Time of the Liturgical Year. Our readings of today prepare our minds for this celebration. The message of Isaiah in the first reading (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) points to Jesus who submits himself to be baptized by John as one who is endowed with the spirit whom the Lord delights in. He projects that Jesus would establish true justice and be a light of the nations and open the eyes of the blind, free captives from prison as well as those living in darkness from the dungeon.  In the second reading (Acts 10:34-38), St. Peter  assures tha