1st R. Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
2nd R. 1Corinthians 11:23-26
Gospel John 13:1-15
By Rev. Fr. Solomon Zaku
Today we are gathered this evening to celebrate the Mass of the Lords Supper. This celebration marks the beginning of the Easter Tridum. Todays liturgy has three main themes; The Eucharist, the ministerial priesthood and fraternal love in the Christian community. On this day, Jesus instituted both the sacrament of the Eucharist and the sacrament of Holy Orders. Jesus instituted the Priesthood and the sacrament of the Eucharist on the same day in order to show the link between them. The priest is the only minister of the Eucharist. Today, therefore, is a joyful day and a time of thanksgiving because Jesus has done great things for us in the mystery of our salvation. Jesus sacrifices Himself for us in an unbloody manner and called on us to continue offering this sacrifice until he returns.
The sacrament of the Holy Eucharist was instituted in the context of the Jewish Passover meal. In the first reading we hear of the origin Passover meal in all its details with Gods command that it should be observed every year as a memorial feast. Every year the Jews celebrate the feast of Passover in order to remember how God liberated them from slavery in Egypt. The Paschal meal was of great importance in the religious life of the Hebrews.
Jesus and his disciples being faithful Jews, they also observed the Passover feast. During the meal Jesus instituted his own Passover giving his own body and blood to us as food and drink.
In the second reading, St. Paul gives us an account of how he instituted the Eucharist. While he was at supper, Jesus took the bread, broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying: This is my body which is given for you. In the same way, he took the cup after the supper and said, This is the cup of the new covenant. Jesus commanded his disciples to do this in memory of him (Luke 12:19). By this words Jesus instituted the Priesthood. In instituting the Priesthood, Christ made his sacrifice ever present until the end of time.
He said anytime we celebrate the Mass we are proclaiming his death. Jesus gave us his Body and Blood as spiritual food which will lead us to eternal life. Jesus did this shortly before he was betrayed. The following day he was going to offer himself as a sacrifice for all of us. He was going to be broken physically on the cross. He now breaks himself sacramentally for us. His whole life was a sacrifice which is now being perfected on the cross. In the Eucharist, the Lord establishes his new and everlasting covenant with us. Every time we celebrate the Eucharist we renew and re-affirm this covenant. The covenant calls for faithfulness.
The Passover prefigures what would happen in the last supper. In the event of the Passover, we see many images of what was to come. The young male lamb that was without blemish and was to be sacrificed was a prophetic image of Jesus Who was also a male, Who was the Lamb of God, Who "knew no sin" [2 Cor. 5:21] and Who gave His life for our salvation. The meal of the unleavened bread was symbolic of our participation in the Holy Mass at which we receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the form of bread and wine. The blood on the frame of the doors was symbolic of those who are protected by the Blood of Christ because they walk their Christian lives according to the teachings of Jesus.
Todays Gospel describes the scene of Jesus washing the feet of his Apostles. This touching ceremony is a precious lesson of humility, love and service. The Lord said to his disciples that: I have given you an example that you also should do as I have done to you. The son of man has come not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. We need first of all to be cleansed and purified by him in order to have partnership with him. We also need to serve as agents of washing and purification for others so that they too can enter into partnership with Jesus.
The washing of the feet during last supper is a parable in action. The scope of the mission of Jesus is together a new people to God. He constituted this people by the purification he brings. That is why Jesus said to Peter If I do not wash your feet, you will not have part with me. The washing of feet was a common practice in Israel. People usually wash their feet when they come back from market before entering a house because, they usually wear sandals and their roads are dusty and muddy. By Jesus washing the legs of his disciples he did even what servants dont do. The slave had only to keep the water ready, at most pour it on the masters or on the feet of the guest entering the masters house, while they wash their own feet. This is obviously an act of humility, but of course much more. Jesus challenged his disciples to do likewise. He commanded them to love one another so that other people will know that they are the Disciples of Christ. Disciples of Christ must behave like Christ. They have to show the love of Christ by loving one another and caring for those who are weak and in need. As followers of Christ, we must not seek to be served but serve other people in whatever capacity we find ourselves. The early Christians carried out this command which made the gentiles to remark see how much they love one another ( cf John 13: 35 I Peter4:7-11 ). Can this be said of todays Christians? Instead of showing love, today many Christians are selfish. Selfishness is a kind of slavery and is the most common form of slavery. It is also the cruelest form of slavery. Selfish persons are incapable of loving others. Such persons are only thinking of their own interest.
Jesus expresses his love through two gestures; by giving his Body and Blood to his apostles and the washing of the Apostles feet. Both are expressions of service, love and self-giving from the part of Jesus. He asks us to repeat both in memory of him.
Dearly beloved, Jesus is calling you and I this evening to come to him so that he can wash us of our frailties and imperfections. Jesus is ready to wash us of all our sins so that we would be worthy to enter into deep relationship with him like a patient exposing his wound to the doctor, we need to expose our hearts and minds and soul soiled with selfishness, uncharity, hatred ,envy and vengeance.
On this day, we are challenged to deepen our devotion and respect for the Eucharist. We are called to participate worthily and consciously at Mass. Jesus gives us his Body and Blood so that we will be nourished spiritually. The questions each of us must ask himself or herself today are: am I making good use of this sacrament? When last did I receive this sacrament? What is preventing me from receiving this sacrament and what effort have I made to remove such obstacles?
Due to the corona pandemic may of us will not be able to recive the bodyand blood of Christ today and through out the Tridum. I call on you to have spiritual communion as you follow the celebration online or on television or when you dont have access to any. You shall receive Jesus spiritually. He will be in you to strengthen during this difficult and trying moment. In no distant time the pandemic will be over and you will have the opportunity to receive him daily.
In this Mass, we pray for the grace to be united to Jesus through the reception of his Body and Blood so that we shall be happy with him forever in heaven.
1st R. Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
2nd R. 1Corinthians 11:23-26
Gospel John 13:1-15
By Rev. Fr. Solomon Zaku
Today we are gathered this evening to celebrate the Mass of the Lords Supper. This celebration marks the beginning of the Easter Tridum. Todays liturgy has three main themes; The Eucharist, the ministerial priesthood and fraternal love in the Christian community. On this day, Jesus instituted both the sacrament of the Eucharist and the sacrament of Holy Orders. Jesus instituted the Priesthood and the sacrament of the Eucharist on the same day in order to show the link between them. The priest is the only minister of the Eucharist. Today, therefore, is a joyful day and a time of thanksgiving because Jesus has done great things for us in the mystery of our salvation. Jesus sacrifices Himself for us in an unbloody manner and called on us to continue offering this sacrifice until he returns.
The sacrament of the Holy Eucharist was instituted in the context of the Jewish Passover meal. In the first reading we hear of the origin Passover meal in all its details with Gods command that it should be observed every year as a memorial feast. Every year the Jews celebrate the feast of Passover in order to remember how God liberated them from slavery in Egypt. The Paschal meal was of great importance in the religious life of the Hebrews.
Jesus and his disciples being faithful Jews, they also observed the Passover feast. During the meal Jesus instituted his own Passover giving his own body and blood to us as food and drink.
In the second reading, St. Paul gives us an account of how he instituted the Eucharist. While he was at supper, Jesus took the bread, broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying: This is my body which is given for you. In the same way, he took the cup after the supper and said, This is the cup of the new covenant. Jesus commanded his disciples to do this in memory of him (Luke 12:19). By this words Jesus instituted the Priesthood. In instituting the Priesthood, Christ made his sacrifice ever present until the end of time.
He said anytime we celebrate the Mass we are proclaiming his death. Jesus gave us his Body and Blood as spiritual food which will lead us to eternal life. Jesus did this shortly before he was betrayed. The following day he was going to offer himself as a sacrifice for all of us. He was going to be broken physically on the cross. He now breaks himself sacramentally for us. His whole life was a sacrifice which is now being perfected on the cross. In the Eucharist, the Lord establishes his new and everlasting covenant with us. Every time we celebrate the Eucharist we renew and re-affirm this covenant. The covenant calls for faithfulness.
The Passover prefigures what would happen in the last supper. In the event of the Passover, we see many images of what was to come. The young male lamb that was without blemish and was to be sacrificed was a prophetic image of Jesus Who was also a male, Who was the Lamb of God, Who "knew no sin" [2 Cor. 5:21] and Who gave His life for our salvation. The meal of the unleavened bread was symbolic of our participation in the Holy Mass at which we receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the form of bread and wine. The blood on the frame of the doors was symbolic of those who are protected by the Blood of Christ because they walk their Christian lives according to the teachings of Jesus.
Todays Gospel describes the scene of Jesus washing the feet of his Apostles. This touching ceremony is a precious lesson of humility, love and service. The Lord said to his disciples that: I have given you an example that you also should do as I have done to you. The son of man has come not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. We need first of all to be cleansed and purified by him in order to have partnership with him. We also need to serve as agents of washing and purification for others so that they too can enter into partnership with Jesus.
The washing of the feet during last supper is a parable in action. The scope of the mission of Jesus is together a new people to God. He constituted this people by the purification he brings. That is why Jesus said to Peter If I do not wash your feet, you will not have part with me. The washing of feet was a common practice in Israel. People usually wash their feet when they come back from market before entering a house because, they usually wear sandals and their roads are dusty and muddy. By Jesus washing the legs of his disciples he did even what servants dont do. The slave had only to keep the water ready, at most pour it on the masters or on the feet of the guest entering the masters house, while they wash their own feet. This is obviously an act of humility, but of course much more. Jesus challenged his disciples to do likewise. He commanded them to love one another so that other people will know that they are the Disciples of Christ. Disciples of Christ must behave like Christ. They have to show the love of Christ by loving one another and caring for those who are weak and in need. As followers of Christ, we must not seek to be served but serve other people in whatever capacity we find ourselves. The early Christians carried out this command which made the gentiles to remark see how much they love one another ( cf John 13: 35 I Peter4:7-11 ). Can this be said of todays Christians? Instead of showing love, today many Christians are selfish. Selfishness is a kind of slavery and is the most common form of slavery. It is also the cruelest form of slavery. Selfish persons are incapable of loving others. Such persons are only thinking of their own interest.
Jesus expresses his love through two gestures; by giving his Body and Blood to his apostles and the washing of the Apostles feet. Both are expressions of service, love and self-giving from the part of Jesus. He asks us to repeat both in memory of him.
Dearly beloved, Jesus is calling you and I this evening to come to him so that he can wash us of our frailties and imperfections. Jesus is ready to wash us of all our sins so that we would be worthy to enter into deep relationship with him like a patient exposing his wound to the doctor, we need to expose our hearts and minds and soul soiled with selfishness, uncharity, hatred ,envy and vengeance.
On this day, we are challenged to deepen our devotion and respect for the Eucharist. We are called to participate worthily and consciously at Mass. Jesus gives us his Body and Blood so that we will be nourished spiritually. The questions each of us must ask himself or herself today are: am I making good use of this sacrament? When last did I receive this sacrament? What is preventing me from receiving this sacrament and what effort have I made to remove such obstacles?
Due to the corona pandemic may of us will not be able to recive the bodyand blood of Christ today and through out the Tridum. I call on you to have spiritual communion as you follow the celebration online or on television or when you dont have access to any. You shall receive Jesus spiritually. He will be in you to strengthen during this difficult and trying moment. In no distant time the pandemic will be over and you will have the opportunity to receive him daily.
In this Mass, we pray for the grace to be united to Jesus through the reception of his Body and Blood so that we shall be happy with him forever in heaven.
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