
Showing posts from July, 2019


By Saduwo Banyawa for: LUMEN CHRISTI PRESS DEMONSTRATING THE POWER OF HIS MAJESTY The Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Holy Ghost Prayer group organized a 3 day revival from the 25th to 28th of July 2019 at All saints Chaplaincy University of Maiduguri. The program tagged “Demonstrating the power of his majesty.” began on Thursday 25th July with the holy Mass at exactly 5pm. The Mass was officiated by the guest speaker Rev.Fr. Philibus Yakubu alongside Rev. Fr. Solomon Zaku. After the holy Mass, the Charismatic Singing ministry coordinated the Praise and Worship session. The revival anthem was then introduced. Bro. Barnabas Awar welcomed everyone and assured them of a life changing revival. He then introduced the day’s speaker in the person of Rev. Fr. Philibus Yakubu from St. Marys Parish Damaturu. While giving a talk on the theme, Fr. Philibus Charged everyone to take the revival seriously and see that they attend till the end. He spoke on the power of God and how it is reflec


HOMILY FOR 17TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR C BY Rev. Fr. Solomon Patrick Zaku Chaplain, All Saints Catholic Chaplaincy, Unimaid. One of the things that was regular in the life of Jesus was prayer. Jesus started with prayers and ended with prayers. In the Bible, Jesus was shown praying on several occasions. Before starting his public ministry, he prayed (Mt. 4:1-2, Mk 1:12-13, Lk 4:1-3).  Jesus prayed on so many occasions during his public ministry. On so many occasions he withdrew to be alone by himself. (Mt. 17:1-2). During the last supper Jesus prayed for himself, his Disciples and his future disciples (John 17:1-21). Shortly before his passion, Jesus Prayed (Mt 26:36, Lk 22:39). Jesus did only Prayed but also taught his Disciples how to pray In the Gospels reading of today, Jesus taught his Disciples how to pray. He gave them a pattern of Prayer- The Lord’s Prayer. Jesus assured his disciples that they will receive from God whatever they need if they pray persistently. This great


In the midst of thousands You can see her gloomy smile, In her eyes, lays comfortably The tears of melancholy, Trapped within her own misfit, Her mind wonders, while the soul shivers in glum, In-between those smiles, the traces To the scars of betrayal prostrate, The choices of yesterday's happiness Sores the heart into desolation, Lamenting for the trust once given freely, The soul is soaked in outdoorsy of fears, There it lays hopelessly like a cadaver waiting for an autopsy. In search for its peace, The soul wonders faraway from home, Miles away to the Eastland, With hopes of erasing the past days of it's tribulations, To find a temporal peace Solacious to the mind, out of its grief Just for a day of fortuitous marvel, All through her vain ran the ocean Of regrets, wondering when and how It all went wrong, forwhy, all she bore Were unmeasurable kindness and happiness, All she could reap for these virtues, Are moments of seeing her loved ones

“MY FUTURE; Altered by poor fate.” (Poem)

“I love folktales; all children do.” “I love days we sit around Grandmothers cozy stool awaiting folktales like employees awaiting wages.” “We love to listen, chatter get amused and at times cry at tragedies…. “I recall days we aimlessly ran the streets.” ‘..And those moments we spent in the rain, Oh…how memorable!” “We would trek long distances to school in both seasons. Dry or wet.” “Attending school, assisting at home, learning how to cook and listening to Grandmother respectively every night….was the ritual.” “But now, everything has changed…we barely keep track of time and it seems our ritual is fading.” “We have less fun and there’s always a problem.” “Someone yelling” Another cursing” “The other crying” “Mother talks less; Cries a lot.” “Father is always upset; He complains a lot.” “I hear the people in the village say it’s a meltdown session…they say it has something to do with the economy.” “I don’t understand any of’ this’ ….The beautiful future I imag


HOMILY FOR 16TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR IN ORDINARY TIME C       (1st. Reading Gen 18:1-10, 2nd Reading Col. 1:24, Gospel LK 10:38-42) One of the values that we were known for as Africans is the value of Hospitality. This cultural value distinguishes us from other people. This is seen in the way Africans visit one another and receive one another. As African you can visit your friend, brother, sister or relation even without prior notice and you will be receive and fed. Strangers are welcome in many families and well taken care of. Whenever women cook food they always cook with extra in case a visitor will come. Today, however with globalization and increase in insecurity, their value is gradually waning. People are becoming individualistic and living in fear. Receiving people, most especially the ones you do not know is becoming difficult because, the innocent looking guest that you let into your house during the day may well return at night holding a machete or a gun to dispossess you

SELF EMPLOYMENT-Key to living poverty free life

To be self-employed means having the ability to achieve a certain goal by using one’s ability, personality or character independently without gaining assistance from the government or other sectors. No one wants to be termed poor or unsuccessful .Over the years, the world has been trying to overcome poverty which seems a disastrous enemy. Poverty is an epidemic that has ruined so many lives and is destroying humanity.  Youths of this generation need not to solely rely on the government for employment but should think of other ways on how to improve their lifestyles. This can be achieved through hard work and maximization of God-given talents that will result to financial breakthrough. These days, there are rampant cases of arm robbery, kidnapping, and prostitution all in the attempts to escape from poverty. These social vices and crimes can be curtailed through learning honorable means of earning. It is true that nobody has ever gone anywhere by merely sitting on the fence.


HOMILY FOR FITHTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR C ( Deu. 30:10-14, Col.1:15-20, Lk 10:25-37) During our Catechism class, one of the questions that we were asked was: “Why did God make you?". The answer to this question in the small Catholic Catechism is “God made me to know Him, to love Him. To serve Him and to be eternally happy with him in heaven. The answer to this question summarized the essence of our existence. This is because God created us for a purpose and we have a destiny. At the end of our lives we hope to be in heaven where we shall see God face to face and be happy with him forever. The big question is how can we go to heaven? What can I do in order to enter the kingdom of God? In our Gospel reading today a lawyer came to Jesus and asked Him “what must I do to inherit eternal life.” This is an important question which we need to ask daily. This is because heaven is our target. In response to the question Jesus said” You shall love the Lord your God with all your he


Homily for 14TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR C (7/7/19) Our gospel reading of today reminds us of our call as missionaries. The good news of salvation which Jesus Christ brought is not meant only for a particular group of people but for all. The message is meant for all so that all will be saved. Jesus knew that He was not going to stay long on earth and the good news He has brought needs to be proclaimed to all and sundry, that was why he choose twelve Apostles and made many disciples who will continue proclaiming the goods news after His departure. Jesus chooses the Twelve in order that they may be close to him, learn much about him and witness to him in the world. He sent them to go and preach the Gospel even while he was still with them. Jesus did not only send the twelve, he also sent seventy others to go and preach the Gospel in places he intends to visit. The number seventy is very symbolic. The ancients believe that the number of all the nations of the world was about seventy. The

“BROKEN” - A Poem

“As a kid, I was told ghost stories’ ‘Growing up made me realize “these tales’ were real.”-They exist within me.” “I aimlessly strolled downtown and found myself wandering besides the city’s cemetery. I went inside and sat down reluctantly”. “I looked at the graves with envy, wishing I could lie peacefully. “This haunted place feels like home.” “The silent screams keep me calm.” “That shadowy figure frightens me not.” “I have faced fear….”Fear” that I find incomparable to any horific event. “I have been pushed to the wall…So hard that my reasoning is gone.” “I  feel shattered ;Like a glass that fell off a cliff.” “My Right spirit has left me”. “….and my soul, Spiraling in agony.” “I have lost my senses, Peace, Sanity, and Faith.” “I detest sleep because any time I shut my eyes, The terrific event haunts me”. “His face-Cruel” “I resisted, He came closer” “I screamed but his hefty hands suppressed my wails and agony.’ “I vowed to speak out, He threatened……” “I


Indecent dressing is the deliberate exposure of one’s body to the public. It is widely seen and described as a social malady in the society especially amongst youths. This practice does not conform to the norms and values of the society particularly the African society. Indecent dressing is common in public places like the University, offices and even Churches. Female Youths seem to take it a pleasure in the act of exposing their bodies to the opposite sex without considering the dangers attached to it. Africans are known for their culture and dignity whereas the urge for western culture and modernization is destroying our way of life and negatively affecting our youths. This practice is the major cause of various assaults and sexual harassment recorded in the society over time. In the name of fashion, some ladies dress half naked to functions wearing bomb shorts, armless tops, hot bosom and so on. Indecent dressing has so many effects. Partakers are termed as prostitutes, robbe