
Showing posts from August, 2019


Today, the 31st of August 2019, the Nigeria federation of Catholic students (NFCS) had her usual semester examination success prayer. The program began with the Holy Rosary around 5pm. After the Rosary, Bro. Clement Agbo the moderator led the congregation in a worship segment. After that, the NFCS praise band led the NFCS Anthem and praises. The guest minister of the day in person Bro. Timothy Kuhe began his ministration with an opening prayer before preaching on the topic "Do not be afraid". (Isaiah 41:10). He explained fear and how it affects students academically. According to him, fear is the absence of Faith. He clearly stated how the phrase " Do not be afraid " mentioned 365 times in the Bible and there are 365 days in a year therefore God is telling us not to be afraid everyday. He gave illustrations of people in the Bible like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and Daniel who were fearless in the face of trial and hardship. Bro. Timothy gave tips on how t


Today, 29th of August 2019, the Nigeria federation of Catholic Students All Saints Chaplaincy Unimaid had her monthly Vigil. The spirit-filled event began at exactly 6pm with the holy Rosary. After the Holy Rosary, the praise and worship was led by the NFCS Praise band. People danced happily. The vigil was moderated by Bro. Emmanuel Ugwu who led the congregation in singing the NFCS Anthem. The second segment of the event was Testimony time. NFCSers shared testimonies of the goodness and mercies of God in their lives and families. Some of the testifiers urged the congregation to always trust God and pray unfailingly. The congregation glorified and thanked God for the testimonies shared. During the testimony session, Bro. Emmanuel Ngbede, an Alumnus told the congregation how he overcame certain temptations. He encouraged everyone to listen to God and be patient. The day's speaker in person of Bro. Richard Pankshin began his talk with a testimony immediately after leading the


Homily for TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY C3 Readings: Isaiah 66:18-21; Psalm 117:1, 2 (see Mark 16:15); Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13; Luke 13:22-30 By Rev. Fr. Solomon P. Zaku The verb ‘strive’ indicates action. It suggests making effort. It suggests struggle. When it modifies the adjective ‘narrow’, the intensity of the action, of the effort and struggle is heightened especially in getting access into noun ‘door.’ In other words, for one to get access to the ‘door’, even on the literal sense, effort or struggle is needed. On a figurative sense, Jesus says, ‘I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture’ (John 10:9).  This means that gaining access to Jesus and his Kingdom demands striving, struggle and making effort every day to follow Jesus himself. Why did the man ask the question whether only could be saved? ‘And someone said to him, ‘Lord, will those who are saved be few?’ Why did the person ask this question? I guess he wanted Jesus t


On the 22nd of August 2019, The Nigeria Federaration of Catholic Students, NFCS Unimaid Chapter had its family meeting. The event began at exactly 6pm with the Holy Rosary. After that, the Praise and worship segment was conducted by the NFCS Praise band. Immediately after that, the NFCS Anthem was sang as well as the congregational hymn. The moderator of the day in person of Bro.Peter Ahua handed the microphone for the introduction of all members. All students introduced themselves stating their names, Faculty, Department and level. The Chaplain Rev. Fr.Solomon Zaku and one of the NFCS Staff Adviser Dr.Chigozie Nwobi also introduced themselves. In line with the family meeting's agenda, the NFCS President in person of Bro. Emmanuel Onyekwere was called to present the Administration's goal and prospect which included developing a salient fund for NFCS, making an input on the Secretariat, creating massive publicity, promoting spirituality and so on. Reactions were made by


HOMILY FOR 20TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR C By Rev. Fr. Solomon P. Zaku One of the things that many people do not want to hear today is the truth. When you stand for the truth or try to tell people the truth many people will not like you. You will make many enemies or even be persecuted. As Christians we always need to tell the truth and stand for the truth no matter what it cost. When you stand for the truth, God will be with you and see you through. You may suffer, you may be persecuted but at the end victory will be yours. The first reading of today presents us with the story of Prophet Jeremiah who was persecuted because he told the truth but at the end he was vindicated. Prophet Jeremiah lived in the 6th century Bc. At that time, Jerusalem was being besieged by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. The situation was desperate people were dying of Hunger. The Army officers wanted to continue to resist. Zedekiah the king, didn’t have courage to oppose the generals. Jeremiah spoke out. H


BLOC ROSARY WEEK: 2019 On Friday, 16th August 2019,the Bloc Rosary Crusade members of All saints Chaplaincy University of Maiduguri began their Marian week and the day's speaker Rev. Fr. Solomon Zaku spoke on the Rosary, its origin biblical foundation and significance. The Rosary is derived from the Latin word "Rosarium" (Rose flower). It is a Christ centred prayer consisting of the 20 decades of the "Hail Mary" preceded by the "Our Father" with the meditation of mysteries. The Rosary is the summary of the new testament. Praying the Rosary began about 800 years ago(1170-1221) when it was given to St. Dominic by the Blessed Virgin Mary stating it as a weapon to counter the heresy which promoted suicide where people killed themselves in order to save their souls. St.Dominic taught and prayed the Rosary and the heresy came to an end. Pope Alexander (16th) encouraged people to pray the Rosary because it grants indulgence. Sooner,the Rosary start


11/08/2019 MORNING SESSION The days event began with the holy mass around 7am being Sunday. People were seen trooping to the All saints Catholic Chaplaincy in various cultural attires. These people included Catholic and non-catholic worshippers.  During the mass, the liturgy of the word was conducted in different dialects. The priests that conducted the mass were Rev. Fr. Solomon Zaku and Rev. Fr. Hycinth Yawati. The Zumuntan Mata from St. Augustine's parish were invited. Their performance in singing and dancing was exceptional. The congregation cheered and danced joyfully. After the liturgy of the Eucharist, various thanksgivings were witnessed which include those born in the month of August, people from the northern region, southern, eastern and western region. Cultural songs and musicals were played in line with every region that came out for thanksgiving. People clapped, danced and cheered. It was a colorful Sunday seeing people dressed in thier cultural attire.


HOMILY FOR NINETEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR C BY: Rev. Fr. Solomon Zaku (NFCS Chaplain)      Last Sunday, in our Gospel reading, we read about the rich fool. The rich fool did not end well. He made three mistakes: namely: he did not store up treasures for himself in heaven, secondly he trusted in himself rather than God, thirdly he did not prepare for death.      Our readings of today tell us what to do so that we will not end like him. In the gospel, Jesus encouraged his disciples to store their treasures in heaven where nothing will destroy it.      The second reading tell us the meaning of faith and the need for all of us to be men and women of faith. To have faith is to believe and trust in God. When we have faith, everything will work out for our good as it happened to the people of old.     In the Gospel, Jesus called on his disciples to stay awake so that the day of the Lord will not take them surprise. This is a call for all of us today. We need to be ready at all tim


NFCS CULTURAL WEEK 2019  DAY 3 :. ALUMNI NIGHT. (10/08/2019)   The opening act of the event kicked off with the FYB old school fashion parade /dance.  The chaplain Fr Solomon Zaku officially opened the event with a word of prayer.  After the opening prayer, the MC onoja Charles mackay introduced various dance groups present (Arewa,igbo etc) and invited them in for their cultural dance. The cultural dance began with Nza cultural dance from Bauchi state.  After the cultural dance was the talk show on the topic "Nigerias Ethnic diversity, a blessing or a curse. "The invited guests featured REV. Fr Donatus Tizhe parish priest St Hillary pollo maiduguri . Bro Kufre udoh former RCF president and sis Elizabeth Ameh Joseph of kaneem FM radio university of maiduguri on the topic "Nigeria's ethnic diversity, a blessing or a curse" The talk show began with Fr Donatus Tizhe answering a question on what is Nigerias ethnic diversity from on of the anchor sis saduwo


Royal night  09/08/2019 The event tagged "Royal Night" began with the holy mass  around 5pm while some people were outside  trying to put things in place. The event took place within the church premises. Before the end of the mass, Bro Orbum Joseph, President of Jos Provincial NFCS told the lumen Christi press in a brief interview, that today being the Royal Night he can't wait to see the contestants,owing to the fact that for the first time in the history of NFCS there will be 14 contestants, so he really CAN'T wait. Sis Esther Ijasini also repressed her joy seeing different people from different culture and background. The Rev. Fr who is also the chaplain in person of Fr. Solomon Zaku, showcased  His happiness towards the carnival and he also said he is  happy seeing students coming together as one . After the holy mass the NFCS praise band led the praise and worship . Bright and Malate took over from them being the Anchors of today's program ,dignitarie


All Saints Choir Ministering DAY 1; Thursday cultural praise Night. (8/08/2019) Today being 8th August 2019, the anual cultural carnival began. People started arriving from 5pm. The Event started by 5:45pm with the holy rosary in different dialects then the NFCS Anthem was led by the NFCS praise band. The praise band also led the praise and worship segment. The M.C of the day then called on the NFCS President for a welcome address. The NFCS President in person of Bro. Emmanuel Onyekwere asked the congregation to observe 30 seconds silence for the NFCSers who lost their lives in the flood that occurred in Bauchi University. He introduced the cultural weeks theme tagged as "A United people, A strong Nation. " He declared the Cultural week open and urged everyone to learn to appreciate other cultures. He also encouraged everyone to appear in cultural attires the next day and wished everyone a memorable event through out. During the ministration, the NFCS Prais


It is known to all that the Remedial brethren are done with their exams and are expected to travel back to their respective destinations awaiting October (God's grace) when they will all be coming back as 100 level students of their various deaired departments. The Remedial brethren as a team today during the Holy Mass went on Thanksgiving in appreciation to God for His mercy and grace throughout the cause of their stay in Unimaid. After the Mass, they took out time to take some happy moment photographs and NFCS Lumen Christi Press came around to make it a memory that will last forever. See some of the pictures below


The final brethren (The Solid Rock) of the NFCS 2018/2019 Academic Session is organising one of its kind Week of activities for the finalists. The week which kickstarts tomorrow Monday, 5th August, 2019 promises to be the best of its kind as it encompasses social, spiritual as well as life changing events and talks. Speaking on the essence of the Program, bro. Ejeh Gabriel the chief organiser of the program told NFCS Lumen Christi Press that anyone who misses the program has missed something that may never come his or her way again.


HOMILY FOR EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BY: Rev. Fr. Solomon Zaku Readings:  Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23; Psalm 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14 and 17; Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11; Luke 12: 13-21 Hear the story Jesus tells us in the Gospel:   ‘The land of a rich man brought forth plentifully; and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns, and build larger ones; and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry.’’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God” Riches on Earth, Riches in Heaven Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” This alone makes it clear to us that whateve